WordPress Maintenance Services

Let a dedicated WordPress expert handle all your website challenges, so you don't have to worry.

With years of experience in the WordPress ecosystem, I offer top-notch services backed by extensive knowledge and expertise. You can rely on my comprehensive suite of website services to keep your site running smoothly, day and night.

24/7 Ongoing WP Security

Premium WordPress Services

Experience freedom and flexibility with personalized WordPress maintenance packages.

Speed Optimization

I strive to get your site loading in under 5 seconds. Through rigorous testing and fine-tuning, I focus on every metric to enhance your site's speed.

See how I speed up websites

Unlimited 24/7 Website Edits

Enjoy unlimited website edits with my monthly care plans. No restrictions on time or number of request, just continuous support.

Dive in for details on unlimited edits

Comprehensive Security Management

I work to ensure your website is as secure as possible with my thoroughly tested security configurations.

Read about my security practices

Regular Plugin, Theme & Core File Updates

I keep your plugins, themes, and core files updated weekly and provide detailed reports to ensure smooth operation.

How I update websites

24/7 Emergency Support

Your website is monitored 1,440 times a day. With 24/7 support, I'm available any time, day or night, throughout the year.

Learn about my emergency support coverage

Real-Time Backups

I take real-time external backups of your website on secure servers, with easy 1-click restore functionality if needed.

How I backup websites

Mobile and Tablet Responsiveness

I ensure your site passes Google's mobile-friendly test and is responsive across all modern browsers and screen sizes.

Malware Removal

I fully clean out malware and other malicious activity from your website. This service is included in the advanced care plans.