WordPress Speed Optimization Service

Say goodbye to slow loading times and hello to a faster website experience.

As an experienced WordPress specialist, I focus on optimizing the speed of WordPress sites, no matter their size or complexity. You won't have to worry about visitors leaving due to sluggish load times or Google penalizing your site for poor performance. My speed optimization service is designed to get your website loading in under five seconds, boosting your Core Web Vitals and overall user experience.

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Managed WordPress Speed Services

As an experienced WordPress specialist, I've perfected a process to optimize your site's performance.

📷 Image Optimization

I use lossless compression to optimize all your images, ensuring top quality without any compromise. Plus, I'll automatically compress any new images you upload in the future.

⌛ Optimize Render-Blocking Resources

I'll relocate JavaScript/CSS files, Font Awesome, and Google Fonts to areas that won't slow down the visual loading time for your visitors.

🔽 Minify JavaScript and CSS

I streamline your scripts and styles, minify and compress them, add expiring headers, cache your website, and position styles in the head and scripts in the footer for optimal performance.

🧳 Leverage Browser Caching

I'll set up a regularly updated, cached version of your website. Visitors will see a faster-loading cached version instead of having to load the entire site from scratch.

🎛️ Enable Gzip Compression

I enable Gzip compression on your server or from the source of your assets, reducing loading times and speeding up your website.

🗑️ Remove Query Strings

URLs with a “?” are often not cached by certain proxy caching servers or CDNs, which can affect speed. I optimize these URLs to ensure your site loads faster.

📉 Monitor Server Response Time

If your website is slow, it could be due to an inadequate server. I'll monitor your hosting resources and recommend necessary changes to improve performance.

🤝 Combine Requests

I reduce the number of requests your website makes by combining all CSS and JS files, moving what can be deferred to the footer, helping to lower load times.

🛀 Lazy Loading Images

By enabling lazy loading for images and iframes, I help decrease load times and save bandwidth, all while avoiding external JS libraries to keep server calls to a minimum.

➡️ Inline Critical CSS

To ensure smooth page rendering, I inline the most important CSS and load non-essential styles after the page has rendered.